Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 87: Target by Taylor

He's not Gold 5, but thats probably what kept him alive, amongst other things. One thing is for certain, Biggs always stays on target, always.

Whats more surprising is that I have a rediculous amount of these guys (though not as many as J I'm sure) and I've only ever opened one of them up until now. Crazy

Two other bits real quick - 1) November list is live to add to if you are currently a contributor. Apologies on its delay, but get some good fun stuff in there for the month. 2) If you are interested in seeing wedding photos as taken by our friend and photographer KC Ferrill, make sure to check out Together Without A Map for direct links to the online gallery

1 comment:

  1. now, see, i thought your star wars/target reference was awesomely perfect!! i say 'no way cop out'!!!
    yeah, i wanted to be more clever, but h1n1 got my daughter and my brain is working on limited wit and savvy...
