Apologies to all (for many reasons). Here we are in a new year and the new calendar is nowhere to be seen. And for that matter, the calendar widget is nowhere to be seen (I really don't know why that happened). No excuses here, the list was not done. Will be doing it now and posting. will make sure that todays is something on the straight forward side.
Needless to say, more than just me have been slacking when it comes to their dailies (I think I clocked in 2 for December). With a new year its time for a new push to all who have been involved to get up and get out and get taking, even if its with your phone. I'm not one for resolutions, but I do want to push for all to get back involved with ASAOTC, as the involvement and community involvement really makes it work and encourages all to be involved.
Love you.
3 inch art: day 1
8 years ago
i'm feeling better and am ready for todays theme!!!!