Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 44: Sleep by H

I was 14 when I first discovered "Macbeth". I had already fallen in love the year before, thanks to "Romeo and Juliet" but I think it was "Macbeth" that sealed the deal. (Followed by Hamlet the year after - I should say here that I had a wonderful English teacher, thanks Mrs Gaby...)

Anyway this page is from the scene after Macbeth has murdered King Duncan and is discussing it with Lady M. I got to play Macbeth in this scene, and did it in full costume, hands dripping blood, in front of the class. It was great. Even then the lines about sleep from this scene rang in my head. Like the ones I tried to get in focus for the shot-

"The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast -"

At the time I understood them on an intellectual level, but as the years rolled on their meaning really hit home. I'll say this about sleep - you don't really appreciate it until you have a falling out. And then you realise, like Mr Mac did, that your life isn't much of anything without it.

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