Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 4: Fair by Missy


growing up, my brother and i could never seem to agree on the same thing when given choices by my parents... so inevitably the penny would come out to be flipped to see who would get their way. NOW, i'm no dummy... i understood probability and that technically it was/is the only FAIR way, but i never saw it fair, since i NEVER won the coin toss... it ended up being a family joke that i never won... lotsa laughing over my unlucky-ness...
&!!??? i still NEVER win!!?!?!
my thoughts on 'fair'...


  1. Love the story behind the pic!

  2. It's funny, I read an article jut a few days ago about the probability of coin tosses. Apparently, there are slightly better odds to flip the same side that's face up before you flip. Your brother must have been in on this.
