Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 5: Structure by Taylor

There are two Frank Lloyd Wright houses within walking distance of where we live in Manchester, The Zimmerman House (pictured above) is maintained by the Currier Museum of Art and regularly gives tours. If you are not on the tour, you can still walk around the outside and take photos of the house. Unless you go when they are having a private party, which is when I went tonight. Pulling in to the driveway, I immediately had two people walk right up to me and ask if they can help me, and directed me to leave right away. I asked if I could take a couple of photos though from the drive, and I was told that I could be held liable (of what I don't know), but I was able to take some from the street without any sort of legal ramifications. Unfortunately, it doesn't let you get as good of shots as you might have had you been allowed to step on the grass.

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