Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 85: Rage by Missy


What is a Rage Zombie?
First off, Rage Zombies are not really Zombies at all. They are infected Humans & they are killed the same way a Human is. They are also tethered to life by the same things we Humans are. They can't breath underwater or survive without drinking it. They don't require a head-shot to kill either. You really just have to shoot them in a place that a regular person would die. They also show signs of the ability to think clearly and make informed decisions. They usually attack and roam in groups. They are also very quick and agile compared to their cousin, the Classic Zombie. Instead of ingesting brains or flesh to survive their single goal is to attack other uninfected humans & in the process turn them into a Rage Zombie...

(we hosted a kid's zombie party at our house today.......)


  1. Awe man. I just sat in all day while J was out. I should have peeked in on this zombie craziness!

  2. shoot!! i was gonna contact you guys, too... i mentioned it up in town that night but just assumed you were prolly busy!?!
    (assuming made an ass out of me today...
    isn't that what they say?)
